Pain in the back above the waist

Pain in the back above the waist, can serve as a Signal that big changes in your body, but can disappear just as suddenly as they had come. It all depends on the causes that cause discomfort, and of the timely begun treatment.

Diseases of the spine causes pain in the back above the waist

Pain in the back

If your back hurts above the waist, then the reasons for the complex structure of the shale may arise from the pathology of the spine.

Trauma of the spine, regardless of the concerned Department, you can. strong pain in the lumbar area Often there are late consequences of injury, if the pain appear sensations according to the years and decades after injury. This Situation should have the attention of people, because cancer can develop in the process.

In the development of cancer of the bone and cartilage disintegrated tissue, what causes the strongest intensity of pain syndrome. Also, the cartilaginous and bony tissue may suffer due to the variety of infectious and non-infectious diseases, in consequence of degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis.

Scoliosis due to the strong deformation of the spine, pain impulses generated as a disturbed muscle-skeletal structure of the vertebrae. Displacement of intervertebral disc, intervertebral hernia large sizes, strong spasm around the muscles vertebra, nerves branching from the spinal cord can being crushed.

Neural pathways extend in a fairly narrow openings in the bone, because almost immediately the conductivity of nerve impulses, and what is the cause of the intense pain sensation.

Pain in the back above the waist: causes

Pain syndrome, the can above the waist, diseases:

  • Organs of the abdominal cavity;
  • Cardiovascular Pathology. Most common to acute myocardial infarction and Angina pectoris belong to;
  • Lungs – Pleurisy, Pneumonia;
  • Cancer of the oesophagus. Hernia esophagus, has the in your simptomokomplekse often a Symptom of back pain with localization just above the loin;
  • Urinary system. The pathology of the kidneys belong to the bladder with the urine. The passage of large stones (stones, Sand) through the narrow paths, generates intense impulses of pain.

The pregnancy as a pathological condition of the body, but in the time of a large "restructuring" of the work of all organs, a woman may feel discomfort above the waist. Can not be used such a condition in the rule, because of the relatively severe intensity of the pain.

Pain in the back above the waist on the right side

The right side of the abdomen is a "vessel" vital organs, which is able to produce pain radiating to the area above the waist. First and foremost, we should not forget about the particular cecum, inflammation of the appendicitis is called.

Acute appendicitis, if no medical aid, can) through the Perforation of the intestine, abscesses, spilled Peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal wall. Death occurs after a few days, and even hours, because at the slightest suspicion you organize the delivery in the hospital.

Right-sided pain in the spinal disorders can nearly bubble over the lumbar spine of an acute cholecystitis – acute inflammation of the gall. These disease-causing stones that get stuck, or only with difficulty go through the narrow bilious channels. In the case of violation of the physiological flow of bile, start unbearable pain in the right upper abdomen, in favor of a little above the waist.

Risk factors that causes pain in the thoracic spine

We list some of the risk factors that provoke pain in the chest, lumbar spine:

  • some types of professions – difficult working conditions in connection with the lifting of the heavy, sharp twists of the torso, a lot of times the tilt;
  • overload the Psycho-emotional sphere. More common in young people;
  • poor diet;
  • bad habits;
  • Martial arts, sports with a lot of competition;
  • A lack of exercise;
  • Office work on the Computer.

If you are committed to yourself, to if also a high-risk group, then to the health of your spine, with the doubled attention. Your back suffers great strain, and it makes sense to do prophylactic exercises to take at regular intervals, courses for strengthening of the bones and cartilage, and in some cases, Vitamin complex, and calcium. Then the risk of pain is decrease in the lower back you to.